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Know about Charms, Talismans and Spells Book

Know about Charms, Talismans and Spells Book

Brand: BOOKS
Product Code: B-1
Availability: Out Of Stock
Price: RS180.00 RS170.00
Ex Tax: RS170.00
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AUTHOR:- Dr Shanker Adawal

About the book:-
Among charms we find gems, jewels, coins, vases, goblets, stones, weapons, herbs, trees, skull, bones, buildings, animals, water, human beings, there is also that large section called spells where the charm consists of a formula of words or written characters often the object and formula being used in conjunction which are known as talismans.
They may also be classed as individual, family, tribal and national. Classification of charms is a difficult matter for the forces at work though sometimes distinct will often unite and work in conjunction. There are many forms of words and designs by means of which certain occult results are supposed to be achieved, these are usually called spells.
The book covers the matter related to charms, talismans and spells in length. It also tries to tell every aspect related to this subject. The author has associated the subject with Astrology so that the readers could achieve more through it

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Tags: Talismans and Spells Book, Know about Charms
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